Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Using a Refreshing and Fun Visual Search

Society is based on a platform of things that are visual. Television, billboards, movies, learning in public schools, newspapers, college classes and other mediums are all orientated towards audiences who are visual learners. The internet is no exception to the pictures and image based culture. You only buy a pair of jeans because you have seen how stylish it appears on a model. A trip to the movies is started because of a visually pleasing trailer that you viewed on the television. Newspapers are bought because of large headlines and enticing front cover photos. Learning is achieved at school by visually showing students ideas on a white or black board, through video clips of science experiments or through power point presentations. The list can continue to grow with the amount of things throughout your daily life that are based on visual perceptions. It seems strange to stick with a text result search engine when you could be using a visual based search engine named Webkruz.

No there hasn’t been the flood of mass media advertisements for this particular website like there has been for the un-revolutionary “Bing”, but the concept is logically connected to society. Who doesn’t enjoy being visually thrilled with special effects in all their forms? It makes sense to create a visual search engine for the internet to go hand in hand with the need for images. Changing over from text makes a visual search refreshing and fun. You can see the websites before you link. It is refreshing because you can see a bit further into your search without having to waste time guessing which link sounds close enough.

Another important reason that makes a visual search refreshing and fun is that you are not bombarded with advertisements that are completely random. For example, if you are looking up information about flowers, you could care less about an online sale for online car parts selling store. Instead you would rather view online sales dealing with flower books, flower seeds, or gardening tools. Unlike the other search engines online, Webkruz caters their advertisements to fit to your searching needs. Not only does this benefit users, but the advertisers as well since their product promotions reach an interested clientele. Besides you can only stand looking at so many absurd Acci berry weight loss posters online.

Streaming websites makes a visual search refreshing and fun. Webkruz has two different options on their visual search engine. The first includes a traditional outlay of results like a text based search but includes a picture of the webpage along with the text. The second is the streaming option. It is fun and exciting to watch the different possible websites that match your search scroll on by. Without even having to scroll the page yourself, you can see all the options. Refreshing is the best word to describe the upgrade from traditional online search engines to the Webkruz visual search.

Compared to a text based regular search engine using Webkruz is like revolutionary way to achieve faster and more specific results. It makes a visual search refreshing and fun when the engine works to help you. It would be nice for a computer to read our minds but this is not possible yet. With so many outcomes to a single meaning of a word, there is no search engine online that can guess exactly what you are looking for. Webkruz allows you a narrow search with a category index and gives you results for a wide variety of topics.

A society based on pictures and images would find a visual search refreshing and fun compared to regular search engines.

1 comment:

  1. Schema Creator
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